Nathaniel Gysling

Notes, musings, questionable tutorials.

Secure remote access with Tailscale and Caddy on NixOS

I’ll physically be away from my network for a while, so I figured it’s time for a more robust remote access solution. Previously I was using wg-easy, but this had it’s disadvantages. The native Wireguard app on Android was a total battery sponge, and configuration tended to be convaluted. I considered mesh tools like Nebula but I finally settled on the popular choice of Tailscale due to it’s generous pricing (free) and relatively simple configuration. I had a few goals in mind: ...

January 28, 2025

The (Mostly) Definitive Guide to the Sephia Swap

The Sephia swap is a often talked about in Miata circles, but documentation for it is scarce. It is my goal with this article to both define the Sephia swap and without getting too intimate, explain how the swap is done. This will not be a guide for swapping a BP in and out of an NA Miata. That has been thoroughly documented by people much more experienced than myself, and would be redundant to cover. I am writing this under the assumption that you know how to turn a wrench. Anything not unique to the Sephia swap will not be covered. I will simply explain some of the quirks that come with this swap and how I got around them. Note, this only applies for the 1.8L BP. The 1.6L used in the Sephia is a 8v SOHC turd, and Miata 1.6L’s are easy enough to obtain for cheap. ...

November 20, 2024

NixOS inside LXC (without flakes) made easy

LXCs are great, but LXC templates that are booted and instantly accessible over SSH and running services are better. The best part is that it’s done without iterative, stateful tools like Ansible or needing to provision before running a deployment tool like Colmena. It just works. lxc.nix is where all the nitty-gritty is. A sample here is provided, and any other nix files need to be imported here to be baked into the tarball. ...

June 24, 2024